The Nigerian Bar Journal is back

On 28th February 2021, I announced the appointment of members of the Editorial Committee, amongst other standing and ad-hoc committees, of the Nigerian Bar Association to help my team and I in delivering on your mandate to us.  The selfless service that members of the various committees have rendered to our Association in the last six months deserves our commendation. 

When the Editorial Committee was set up, its core mandate was to produce a world-class journal befitting of an Association like ours with prospects of expanding the frontiers of our legal jurisprudence.  For a knowledge-based profession like ours, in which most of our members are keen to share ideas through intellectual works, and others are eager to acquaint themselves with scholarly analysis of recent trends in the field of legal practice, achieving this was very important.

It is therefore with great pleasure that I announce to you the publication of two issues of the Nigerian Bar Journal – Vols. 11 Nos. 1 & 2 2021.  As some of you may know, the Nigerian Bar Journal is a flagship publication of the Nigerian Bar Association but has unfortunately been out of print since 2017 when Volume 10 of the Journal was published. This publication therefore revives a worthy tradition that we abandoned over four years ago.  I am therefore grateful to all the members of the Editorial Committee, led by Prof. U.U Chukwumaeze SAN, for the remarkable dedication and commitment that they have donated to this task.

Each of the two issues of the Journal contains 12 articles cutting across various areas of practice including case notes and statute reviews. The articles were selected after a rigorous blind-peer review of over 112 articles submitted by our members across various fields of the legal profession. I thank our members who submitted articles for consideration by the Committee for honouring the Committee’s Call-For-Papers. It is my hope that subsequent publications of the Journal will receive similar, or even more, interest from our members.

These new volumes of the Journal will be launched at our forthcoming Annual General Conference (AGC) as a gesture of revival of the publication. Subsequently, copies will, subject to terms, be made available to interested members through the branches or through the Bar Services Department at the National Secretariat.  Plans are already underway to host the Journal online so as to improve its global visibility and project our brand beyond Nigeria. When this process is concluded, members will be able to access the Journal with even more ease.

I hope that you find the articles in the Journal illuminating and useful to your career and everyday practice.




Wednesday, September 15, 2021 – 12:14

Bridget Edokwe


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