Distinguished Colleagues,

It is a pleasure for us to formally open our engagement with members of the Nigerian Bar Association, as the Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (ECNBA) for the NBA 2024 elections, with our first of ECNBA notices to be issued pursuant to our powers under section 10 and the second schedule of the NBA Constitution 2015 (As amended). We recognize the critical responsibility we are tasked with and are committed to delivering for our association, a smooth transition via a transparent, credible, free and fair elections. 

In preparation for the elections, this ECNBA Notice No.1 commences the journey. As you are aware, payment of Bar Practicing fees for the year 2024 opens 1st January 2024 and runs till 31st March 2024. It is imperative that as members, we note the following information, to ensure your details as members of the NBA are fully captured:

1.Ensure you proceed to the NBA Online Portal to register and/or update your details there. Visit It takes only two minutes to complete.

2.Upon completion of your update of records, you can then proceed to pay for your 2024 Bar Practicing fee (BPF) as may be due. We advise members to print out their automated receipts once received, for your records.

3.For a video guide to assist you in the process, kindly visit the YouTube page via the link: list=PL1wr7mGx9e9JkMl1Pvrpy_iAdZfBf9ct7

4.Please note that in order to be captured in the voters’ list, payment of BPF can only be done through the NBA portal or the new NBA digital app and not by physical payment at the bank. 

5.In the coming weeks, we will be issuing further notices in furtherance of the process of elections, voter education, guidelines and regulations governing the NBA 2024 Elections. Help lines, and an email enquiry desk shall be provided and details circulated to members to ensure quick communication, responses and actions on enquiries from members. 

While assuring the generality of the Bar of our commitment and dedication to the objectives with which we have been charged, we covet the cooperation of all members of the Bar, in ensuring a smooth and successful election exercise.

Accept our best wishes for the season.

OLUSEUN ABIMBOLA SAN                             HUWAILA IBRAHIM

Chairman                                                                Secretary

Dated 5th January , 2024

Bridget Edokwe


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